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VIPs who spoke at the event included Governor Jim Pillen, Senators Deb Fischer and Pete Ricketts, Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) Director K.C. Belitz and other State and local leaders. Additionally, representatives from key machinery leaders (KRC, DMG MORI, and Hexagon) were in attendance. This new facility represents a significant expansion of PEI’s operations and marks a major milestone in the company’s ongoing commitment to the development of its Advanced Composite Research & Development and Manufacturing Production capabilities and its continuing to be a significant part of the Defense Industrial Base.

OMAHA, NE: October 4, 2024 – Pacific Engineering Inc (PEI) Held Manufacturing Factory Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Opening in North Omaha.

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Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen said, “I want to congratulate the young people here in blue (the PEI team). What I just wish. I was your age. What you are embarking and being a part of will be some of the most special experiences and memories of your lifetime no matter what you do in your lifetime. This is really cool stuff. Just envision for a minute. Just envision for a minute what this room is going to look like in a short period of time when a couple hundred million dollars of cutting-edge state-of-the art equipment is here  being transformed by the young people in blue and the further team of a hundred people build here. Here is the thing everybody has to know and never forget and believe with every cell in your body. We in Nebraska compete with anybody in the world when we make things. The Department of Defense, Senator Fischer, needs to understand when we do things in Nebraska there is no place in the world that can compete with us.... Best business is in Nebraska... because of the people....Nothing is going to be any different with the PEI Team... We are really, really excited that you are going to be able to expand to the North Omaha community and creating incredible careers. As I like to say, these are not jobs. Who in the heck wants a job. These are great careers. Great careers for generations to come.... Everywhere I go I am looking from seven generations. I am seeing Nebraska differently; more grander than ever, and what extraordinary opportunities. So, I hope all of us will continue to remember the extraordinary people in Nebraska and the impact we have for seven generations. Hopefully, we will see differently and think differently and be bolder and more courageous than we ever imagine. Congratulations”

Additionally, Senator Fischer said that “she has no doubt that the Department of Defense looks towards the future. Toward hypersonic, hypersonic missiles, nuclear armed sea launched cruise missiles which are known as SLCM-N. At that time, they will look at PEI for their design and for their manufacturing expertise. I have repeatedly advocated for the Department to move faster. And we have to especially move faster when it comes to our hypersonics. We have to move faster when it comes to SLCM-N. We have to become more and more capable in designing these advanced systems....To move faster, we also have to bring in small businesses. In many cases its these small businesses that are more innovative, and more agile than a large prime company....”

U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-Nebraska)congratulated the PEI team for investing in North Omaha. He stated that, “Folks we are at a most dangerous time in our history since WW II. And that’s why it is vital that we have companies like PEI creating materials that our military needs to defend our nation.....All these materials will give our warfighters the ability to meet the mission. But, beyond the good of the nation, this an exciting day for our community and for the state of Nebraska. To have a fantastic high-quality company like PEI investing here in North Omaha means a tremendous amount of development will happen right here in our community. It will create jobs that will ripple out through the rest of Omaha and our state. It is going to be high tech, state-of- the art equipment that’s going to be here. And, this investment will insure we continue to grow. I also know this a great organization because we worked with them at the State of Nebraska during the pandemic. They were able to quickly design and produce and deploy the Rapid On Demand- Portable Medical Platform which allowed us to expand our testing capacity and our ability to deliver vaccines during a critical moment during the COVID pandemic. This team here knows how to deliver.”The new production facility was made possible through the North and South Omaha Economic Recovery Grant from the NDED, a state initiative designed to foster economic growth and opportunity in the region. The factory will bring bleeding-edge technology and advanced manufacturing processes to North Omaha. This expansion aligns with PEI's specialty in Composite Manufacturing and strengthens the company’s position as a leader in innovation and high-quality composite components. This North Omaha plant adds additive (3D printing) and subtractive manufacturing capabilities. NDED Director K.C. Belitz, said “It is truly is exciting to see this expansion into North Omaha and to see advanced manufacturing coming, not just to this neighborhood, not just to our state, but to that defense mission that Senator Fischer mentioned.”

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He thanked Senator Fisher, Gov Pellin and the Nebraska Legistrature who worked alongside of Governor Pellin authorizing the funds that allowed NDED to put $10M into a business support grant that is part of what is seen today.... He noted that NDED has supported PEI over the last 10-12 years with funding through the state’s business innovation act programs and that “you see innovation here. This is the poster child of what we would like to see happen through those programs.”

He stated that it is fitting to see this event in October. October is manufacturing month in the State and the nation, and that PEI is among many innovative builders and makers in Nebraska who are thriving as manufacturing is being reshored back to the U.S. With over 108,000 people working in manufacturing in Nebraska, (more than they have had in two decades.) Manufacturing is coming home to Nebraska. He highlighted PEI’s young people (in the blue shirts) and that it is encouraging to see. Mr. Belitz said, “These are the careers, these are the young talented individuals that we need to attract and then keep in Nebraska if we are going to continue moving this economy forward. And, PEI has been an exemplary business in that way.

Creating these career pathways, career opportunities. Not just jobs in manufacturing. The company also is using a state economy recovery grant to build portable workforce training PODs to be used in high schools, community colleges, universities and other settings as well....” Further, he commented on PEI being a veteran owned company and highlighted its support for veterans and how the state values the skills of its veterans, providing a home and low unemployment rates. Mr. Belitz stated that over $200M in North and South Omaha Recovery Grants have been awarded to the community. PEI is the first of these grants being executed and that the efforts started is transformational.

Local and State leaders (Councilwoman Jaunita Johnson, State Senator Justin Wayne, and Senator Tony Vargus) were complimentary of PEI and their efforts for bring manufacturing jobs to North and South Omaha. PEI's vision for the future includes not only business growth but also a commitment to community engagement. With the new facility, PEI plans to help increase manufacturing in the USA along with economic impact and create a movement shift in North Omaha, providing opportunities, new jobs and fostering growth in an underserved area.

U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Nebraska), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Ranking Member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee made several key remarks concerning the state of strategic preparedness and how PEI’s new plant and workforce development answers the call. Senator Fischer referenced the Restoring American Deterrence Act Bill that would overhaul U.S. nuclear preparedness and enact key updates to America’s strategic posture. She said, “One of the top concerns that I hear from our military people is the need to expand manufacturing here in the United States....Last year the Congressional Commission on Strategic Posture of the United States released a report on National Security threats that our country faces from China, from Russia, and how underprepared we are as a country.

The commission was a group of defense experts from across the political spectrum, and they answered a critical question. How can we strengthen our nation’s defense so that we can deter aggression from those outside forces?

One solution is to build out our manufacturing workforce that has the expertise and that has the technology to produce the types of weapon systems that we are going to need in the future.” Further, she stated that the bill requires the Secretary of Defense to create a strategy for growing our manufacturing workforce...and as usual, Nebraska and right here at PEI. Senator Fischer said, “PEI is exactly what this country needs more of; and that’s, small businesses with tremendous growth potential and who are also specialize in innovative engineering and innovative manufacturing.” Senator Fischer pointed to PEI’s equipment like the KRC 5-axis CNC overhead milling machine and the DMG MORI horizontal CNC 5-axis milling machine. The KRC Fusion will be capable of machining precision parts in a range of sizes and shapes from metal, plastic, and composite materials. The DMG MORI NHX 6300 horizontal CNC is ideal for mass production of large metallic and composite workpieces. Additionally, new equipment added includes a new autoclave, a new filament winder, a new waterjet cutting machine, 3D printers and more.

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"We are excited to open our new manufacturing production factory in North Omaha and contribute to the economic revitalization of the area," said Retired Rear Admiral Osie V. Combs, Jr. USN, President of PEI. "Our goal is to create a movement that will have a lasting positive impact on the community, providing new job opportunities and driving innovation in advanced manufacturing back to this country."

About Pacific Engineering Inc.:


PEI excels in developing innovative and cost- effective manufacturing processes, delivering high-quality products which enable customers to reduce weight and improve performance.

PEI is also committed to transitioning technologies from our Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) projects into products that achieve Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL- 9) and are successfully transitioned to the warfighter, providing real-world solutions for

our customers.

The North Omaha facility will complement PEI’s 72,000 sq. ft. facility located outside Lincoln, NE.

For more information, visit or contact:


Osie V. Combs, Jr., RDML, USN Ret., President at 402-423-0046,

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